Impatience: The Entry to High Stress

Impatience: The Entry to High Stress

I am told that when I was a toddler and someone irritated me, I would point at the person and say sternly, “Go way. Be late.” I not only wanted the offender banished from my presence, but I also wanted them to be late getting to that place of exile. At age three, I...


We are living in a time when everything conspires to make us feel separate from one another. Instead of that comfortable feeling of knowing who we are, and being in an environment where our authentic selves are accepted, we are a nation of strangers: moving frequently...
The Leaky Faucet of Your Energy

The Leaky Faucet of Your Energy

Your energy may be leaking all day long without your realizing it. Oh, you recognize the big ones: the sudden change that makes you feel as if the rug had been pulled out from under you, the conflict that leaves you a little shaken, the near miss from an irresponsible...
Stress on Steroids

Stress on Steroids

Anger seems to be everywhere these days, leaking out of normally friendly and placid people. It can be seen in their impatience: with a driver who slows down, in looking for directions, or with another person whose misunderstood request is judged to be stupid and not...

Bullying in the Workplace: Who Bullies Whom?

Over 40% of employees in the workplace have experienced bullying, a persistent pattern of behavior that intimidates, degrades or otherwise undermines the wellbeing of the target. Bullying is four times more prevalent than sexual abuse, and, according to a study at the...

Introvert Anger: The Good, The Bad, and The Downright Ugly

  Are you an introvert? Afraid of anger? Your own and other people’s? You’re not alone. We introverts are famous for becoming clams when we’re hurt or affronted. After all, anger can involve raised voices, threatening language – all that...