
Are your Bragging Rights killing you?

Personal note A lovely relaxed long week-end with a dear friend prompted me to think about how I am dealing with my own life, as well as about my clients who are abusing their bodies in the name of busy-ness.   We had an urban staycation, with ample time to chat about...

The Power of “Yet”

Personal note I first wrote this article in July 15, 2011. The concept is just as true now as it was then. If we all followed this advice, our happiness would increase. As a writer, I believe in the power of words. Words can heal and bring hope. They can also destroy...

What does confidence have to do with your heart?

Personal note In keeping with the fact that February is National Heart Month, I am presenting another article that deals with cardiac disease. But it does more than that; it deals with daily life and how well we live it. To be slightly (but chronically) anxious is not...

Be Careful, It’s Your Heart: Warning Signs of a Heart Attack

Personal note This week’s article is a repeat of an article I do every year in February, National Heart Month. Over the past few years, I have done countless presentations of my talk, now called “The Angina Monologue,”   during which I have not only delivered...