The Dark of the Year and the Dancing Saints

As the days grow shorter and darker, I find myself mentally withdrawing into a kind of warm, personal cave – a cozy one filled with minute lights and small comforts, in which I experience a minimum of demands on me.Over the years, I have come to realize that the Dark...

Choose Your Foods and Choose Your Moods

Personal note Thanksgiving has just come upon us (and follows us around in the form of leftovers) with all its claims on our energy – shopping, food preparation, traveling, dealing with people we may not see very often (some of them difficult), and … oh, yes,...

Has the future got you in a tizzy?

For the past few weeks, we’ve had wonderful weather where I live. Mild temperatures, scattered showers, mostly at night, and low humidity. It’s perfect for everyone, including people who run or bicycle, garden, or work out of doors picking up the garbage, repairing...

Are you carrying some introvert baggage?

Personal note Being different from other people is always stressful, and we’re all different from one another in a variety of ways.  It leads to misunderstandings, and even worse, to some of us evaluating others of us as being deficient in some way. I often find...

Can you change the past?

Personal note Last Saturday I gathered, along with 150 other alumnae, at an event staged by my alma mater, Stanford University. Stanford Connects, brought as a road show to Minneapolis, featured micro lectures and seminars by noted professors; President Hennessy...

The Power of “Yet”

Personal note I first wrote this article in July 15, 2011. The concept is just as true now as it was then. If we all followed this advice, our happiness would increase. As a writer, I believe in the power of words. Words can heal and bring hope. They can also destroy...

What if your life was like a bar of chocolate?

Personal note This week I am working from my California office, which has allowed me to spend a special birthday celebration with my sister.  Our birthdays are one week apart, and the whole family gathered for one of those noisy, exhausting, but joyous celebrations. ...

What the heck is virtual learning?

Personal note As my life and business continue to expand, I meet more and more people who don’t seem to be taking advantage of all the good things available to them. Why? Because they don’t know quite what to expect, and are wary of trying something new and...

Are you suffering from “Brain Buzz”?

Personal note I spent last Saturday at a seminar, “Stress: The Silent Killer,” at which I delivered “The Angina Monologue” as well as listening to other skilled experts. Each of us had different information to add to the growing body of knowledge about our bodies, our...