What the heck is eustress?

Personal note I recently joined a TED talk group, and then missed the first meeting due to a frustrating maze of road repairs that made it seemingly impossible to get there. People e-mailed me a link to a YouTube video of one of the talks, in which the speaker...

Whose Deadline Is It, Anyway?

Personal note I wrote today’s article in 2011, and I’m recycling it because I am being crowded by deadlines again, as I’m pretty sure you are too as the Fall season kicks off, and I firmly believe that “Stress Makes Us Stupid.” We need constant reminders of...

Are your Bragging Rights killing you?

Personal note A lovely relaxed long week-end with a dear friend prompted me to think about how I am dealing with my own life, as well as about my clients who are abusing their bodies in the name of busy-ness.   We had an urban staycation, with ample time to chat about...

Want to know the best way to save your life?

Personal note Spring has brought with it a whirlwind of activity, both indoors and out. Once again, plants I have barely noticed have decided to take over entire flower beds. Not the same plants that did so last year, but another bunch. It varies each year; I have no...

Can you change the past?

Personal note Last Saturday I gathered, along with 150 other alumnae, at an event staged by my alma mater, Stanford University. Stanford Connects, brought as a road show to Minneapolis, featured micro lectures and seminars by noted professors; President Hennessy...

The Power of “Yet”

Personal note I first wrote this article in July 15, 2011. The concept is just as true now as it was then. If we all followed this advice, our happiness would increase. As a writer, I believe in the power of words. Words can heal and bring hope. They can also destroy...

What if your life was like a bar of chocolate?

Personal note This week I am working from my California office, which has allowed me to spend a special birthday celebration with my sister.  Our birthdays are one week apart, and the whole family gathered for one of those noisy, exhausting, but joyous celebrations. ...

Handling the stress of rejection

Personal note It’s still the beginning of the year, and all around me friends and associates are reaching out to find new ways to make their lives go forward.  As I give talks on stress, health, and success, and go to networking meetings and conferences, I meet people...

Recapture Delight In Your Life

Personal note: I went to the lake yesterday. The same lake I went to as a child.  The same sun-sparkled lake I dreamed about for years, while living in another state where summers were foggy and cool , and gray sand beaches were pummeled by huge waves that could knock...