by Lynette | Nov 14, 2011
November can bring gloomy days, rain, and even snow. Some people love this autumn weather; others are less enchanted by it. Add in a few ordinary life mishaps and you can create deep gloom. Here’s how to lift the gloom when you’re suffering from the “grumpies”, a...
by Lynette | Sep 16, 2011
Personal Note For me, the end of summer is signaled when we close up the museum with which I am associated, Historic John H. Stevens House, Birthplace of Minneapolis. After a summer of varied events, including storytelling about the house and local Native...
by Lynette | Sep 12, 2011
Personal Note This week has been one filled with blessings, such as opportunities to give two of my talks to appreciative audiences. The Stonebrooke Golf Club Women’s Luncheon was the site of my talk on “What Do Wonder Woman and You Have in Common?” and Robins,...
by Lynette | Jun 13, 2011
Disasters have filled our daily papers: tornadoes, floods, fires…all of these are examples of stress that comes to us. We don’t have much choice. This week I have been thinking about all the areas of life in which we do have choices; for example, the kinds of...