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In the meantime, you might want to check out some of my books:
Quiet Brilliance: Solving Corporate America’s Leadership Crisis with ‘Hiding in Plain Sight’ Talent
Why are Corporations Committing Leadership Suicide?
What keeps CEOs up at night? What tops the list of corporate needs? Time and again surveys have shown that executives and their organizations are deeply concerned about the shallow pool of candidates for leadership positions. Companies are desperate for leaders to implement strategy.
The emerging need for continuous innovation accelerates that need. They lament the shortage of leadership potential while baby boomers, with their years of skill development and institutional knowledge, are retiring in record numbers. Organizations are going to have to develop leadership talent internally because they will have difficulty hiring it externally.
The Confident Introvert: Gain the Skills to Overcome Shyness and Low-Self Esteem
Practical Ways to Overcome Shyness and Low Self-Esteem
Do you suffer from acute shyness in social and work situations? Author, Lynette Crane describes her former-self as a “prisoner of shyness”— afraid to speak up, in a toxic relationship, and working too hard. Like many shy people she found it difficult to ask for help, ask for directions, and ask for the things she wanted and needed. How many of these outward signals of shyness do you identify with?
- Low speaking voice, garbled speech, or avoid talking altogether
- Social withdrawal
- Perfectionism
- Poor eye contact
- Fidgeting
- Rigid posture
- Or the most embarrassing ones of all: excessive perspiration and blushing!