Can you change the past?

Personal note Last Saturday I gathered, along with 150 other alumnae, at an event staged by my alma mater, Stanford University. Stanford Connects, brought as a road show to Minneapolis, featured micro lectures and seminars by noted professors; President Hennessy...

What the heck is virtual learning?

Personal note As my life and business continue to expand, I meet more and more people who don’t seem to be taking advantage of all the good things available to them. Why? Because they don’t know quite what to expect, and are wary of trying something new and...

Are you afraid of success … or is it something else?

Personal note I am most delighted in my home office on a day like today, when the entire landscape seems to be covered with whipped cream. Yes, we had snow starting last night and continuing today, leaving me in splendid solitude with a computer and a head buzzing...

What does confidence have to do with your heart?

Personal note In keeping with the fact that February is National Heart Month, I am presenting another article that deals with cardiac disease. But it does more than that; it deals with daily life and how well we live it. To be slightly (but chronically) anxious is not...

The Confident Introvert Networker

Personal Note Some years ago I had a close friend whose personality can only be described as extravagant.  When she entered a room, she did it with great style, capturing everyone’s attention and keeping that attention for most of the event.  She favored large, showy...

Be Careful, It’s Your Heart: Warning Signs of a Heart Attack

Personal note This week’s article is a repeat of an article I do every year in February, National Heart Month. Over the past few years, I have done countless presentations of my talk, now called “The Angina Monologue,”   during which I have not only delivered...

Do introverts have more stress?

  Well, yes and no.In our extrovert-oriented culture, being an introvert is not easy. While extroverts thrive on outer stimulation, deriving their energy from it, introverts need quiet time to let the energy tanks fill up – alone. Introverts think deeply before...

New Year’s resolutions, will power, and the February Fade

Personal note Early January found a friend and me in Chicago, that “toddlin’ town,” as the song goes.  An exhausting but exciting day in the Chicago Art Institute found us foot-sore and hungry; dinner at the Russian Tea Time was reminiscent of the old Russian Tea Room...

Does persistence really pay off?

Personal note My internet access was down again – for most of last week. It was frustrating to log on over and over again only to see a spinning disc that kept on revolving forever or to write a message and then find that I couldn’t send it.  These problems have...