
Is Stress a Choice? Or a Habit?

Personal note When we feel down and out, there is often a sense of isolation from the rest of the world, as if we had been sent to a decontamination chamber or an island for people who have something incurable. As I work with more and more clients, I am treated to a...

Want to know the best way to save your life?

Personal note Spring has brought with it a whirlwind of activity, both indoors and out. Once again, plants I have barely noticed have decided to take over entire flower beds. Not the same plants that did so last year, but another bunch. It varies each year; I have no...

Have you ever had a psychological sucker punch?

Personal note Our mercurial weather, with its frequent rain and wind alternating with sunshine, has helped me keep my nose to the grindstone and continue turning out the Workbooks I am planning for my two programs: The Confident Introvert and Be Your Own Best...

Who’s writing your life script?

Personal note A delightful Easter brunch with a dear friend made up for the fact that it was cold as heck, even on the last day of March, when last year at this time the daffodils were up. But Spring will surely come, as it always does; there will be daffodils, and...

How can I soar with eagles when I work with turkeys?

Personal note The birds outside my bedroom are getting noisier every morning, and the increasing number of rabbit tracks across my yard tell me they are venturing out more and more. Meteorological Spring is here, and with it comes more hope for transformation in our...

What does confidence have to do with your heart?

Personal note In keeping with the fact that February is National Heart Month, I am presenting another article that deals with cardiac disease. But it does more than that; it deals with daily life and how well we live it. To be slightly (but chronically) anxious is not...

Stress – it’s a matter of choice

Personal note For many of us, the busy part of the year runs from September through May, and we spend the late summer gearing up for the flurry of activity that we are sure to encounter. In fact, it has already started, with requests coming in for me to speak at such...

Evaluating Other People

Personal note This has been the last week leading up to my new seminar, “Expand Your Time, Tame Your Tension … and Expand Your Life!”. It has been filled with a myriad of opportunities to practice what I teach – remaining serene and focused when social hurricanes...

Handling the stress of rejection

Personal note It’s still the beginning of the year, and all around me friends and associates are reaching out to find new ways to make their lives go forward.  As I give talks on stress, health, and success, and go to networking meetings and conferences, I meet people...