
Has the future got you in a tizzy?

For the past few weeks, we’ve had wonderful weather where I live. Mild temperatures, scattered showers, mostly at night, and low humidity. It’s perfect for everyone, including people who run or bicycle, garden, or work out of doors picking up the garbage, repairing...

Want to know the best way to save your life?

Personal note Spring has brought with it a whirlwind of activity, both indoors and out. Once again, plants I have barely noticed have decided to take over entire flower beds. Not the same plants that did so last year, but another bunch. It varies each year; I have no...

Have you ever had a psychological sucker punch?

Personal note Our mercurial weather, with its frequent rain and wind alternating with sunshine, has helped me keep my nose to the grindstone and continue turning out the Workbooks I am planning for my two programs: The Confident Introvert and Be Your Own Best...

What if your life was like a bar of chocolate?

Personal note This week I am working from my California office, which has allowed me to spend a special birthday celebration with my sister.  Our birthdays are one week apart, and the whole family gathered for one of those noisy, exhausting, but joyous celebrations. ...

Are you suffering from “Brain Buzz”?

Personal note I spent last Saturday at a seminar, “Stress: The Silent Killer,” at which I delivered “The Angina Monologue” as well as listening to other skilled experts. Each of us had different information to add to the growing body of knowledge about our bodies, our...

Are you bothered by public speaking?

Personal note Last Saturday was my first ever “Confident Introvert” seminar, and I’m still pleased, proud, and a little exhausted from that event. Like many opening nights, it was successful, but with small glitches: people having difficulty registering, a Power Point...
The “Happiest Time of Year”?

The “Happiest Time of Year”?

Personal note This has been the week I finally got to launch my new book, The Confident Introvert. As I (and a lot of writers) have found out, it’s not the writing that is so hard; it’s all the details, such as getting the sources exactly right, that bog you down....

Do introverts have more stress?

  Well, yes and no.In our extrovert-oriented culture, being an introvert is not easy. While extroverts thrive on outer stimulation, deriving their energy from it, introverts need quiet time to let the energy tanks fill up – alone. Introverts think deeply before...

Are you determined not to age?

We live in a youth-oriented society, where the fastest growing group, the Baby Boomers, learned, “Never trust anyone over thirty.” They’ve probably extended that limit by now; I haven’t checked recently to see what it is. 60? 70? We see ads everywhere for products and...